It's no secret I love neutrals with a pop of black: they're both antique and modern at the same time. I guess that means they're TIMELESS. Here's what caught my eye on a recent trip to Amsterdam and Florence...
Amsterdam-Cruising the canals in style.
I love the way the Dutch blend old, new, and industrial.
Quintessential Chianti sign.
Vignamaggio. I am very fond of this ancient puppy. He graces the villa where we were married.
Obika'- Mozzarella Bar. Never mind the signore on the left; this is a hip Florentine lunch spot.
The design is great.
Told ya.
Don't miss it next time you are in Florence.
S. Maria Novella detail.
Soft and hard. New and old.
Altar shadows.
Continental Calm.
Iron work, floors, candelabra, frescoes in SMN chapel.
Right outside the church doors: JK Place.
Cloister stripes and symmetry.
Shoe Paradiso.
Newborn grave site. She was so beautiful. "She flew to the heavens."
For the Florentine Dandy. Si', mi piace.
The ceiling kills me. ....and we all thought we were so modern painting stripes all over the place.
Pranzo, anyone?
Lorena's home.
Giacosa. An institution with a face lift.
These floors are over 500 years old, yet so modern.
Off the beaten path. ALWAYS.
CIAO BELLI. Don't let this wet weekend get you down. It's almost time to build an ark!